Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fencing the compost

Last spring we started a compost pile. We've always had a dumping spot for food waste, usually in an unused field, but I wanted to be a little more intentional about it. Until now, it has been a literal pile. It works okay but tends to drift so I thought it was time to fence it in. You can buy all sorts of fancy bins and fence systems but this is the Haphazard Homestead. We're thrifty. And maybe don't put that much thought into things. 

So to delineate the edges of our compost I dug a trench around three sides of the pile (which turned up all sorts of lovely earthworms that I tossed under the rabbit pens so we can compost in place!). To make my fence, I cut the dried out stalks from a bunch of last year's cattails out of a section of swamp on our property. I stood them upright, maybe a hands-breadth apart, and packed dirt around them.

I'll keep you updated on how well that works at keeping the compost contained. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

New chicks!

 When I went to the local farm store to buy feed for my rabbits I found that pullets were on sale. So I bought 6 - 2 each of Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, and Jersey Giants. I'm in the process of naming them now. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments. 

In standard Haphazard Homestead fashion, they are currently housed in a cardboard box (I think this one held a lawn mower). There's a random dowel threaded through the side to hold up the work light that is serving as a heat lamp.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Getting ready for planting

 The risk of frost has nearly passed so we are in full garden prep mode here on the homestead. We'd had a small strip of our plot worked up for early crops (radishes, lettuces, and the like) but yesterday a friend came over and tilled the rest of the space so we can get started planting for real in the next week.

Monday, May 22, 2023

A long winded story about my rabbits

 For a long time I have wanted goats. First it was fainting goats (I thought they were funny) but more recently I settled on pygoras, the world's cutest fiber goats. I had a plan. I had a recommendation for a reputable seller. It was happening. And then it all fell apart. No goats, no ideas where to look next. 

I was in limbo.

In the back of my mind, I had decided that maybe angora rabbits would be acceptable though they had a similar problem: I didn't know anyone who sold them. I spent a lot of time thinking about and planning for theoretical animals.

Then, out of the blue, I reconnected with an old friend, someone I haven't seen in well over a decade. We were catching up, comparing gardens and lives and she mentioned that she had rabbits. And not just standard farm rabbits - she has angoras. I lit up, asked all sorts of questions. And to my delight, not only did she have angoras, she had too many. They'd had a surprise litter and she was looking for someone interested in a pair.

And that is how we ended up with angora rabbits here on the homestead. They get groomed every week and I am learning how to spin - so expect a post about making yarn in the future.


Monday, May 15, 2023


 It was bread time this weekend on the homestead.

I have, of course, baked bread before. From the time I was small I would be called upon the help my mother with the weekly bread baking. When I moved out on my own I found my own favorite bread recipes: first an olive oil bread and later a couple of bread machine recipes when I had less time to devote to the process as done by hand. But this was my first attempt at sourdough. Luckily my mother was on hand to walk me through.

Here's her starter, ready to start turning into delicious bread.

Measured out with honey, salt, flour, water, and a little cornmeal for crunch.  We use a dough whisk which makes combining ingredients much easier

After kneading we have a happy little dough ball...

That rises into this behemoth.

Divide and shape the dough, then one last session of rising in the proofing baskets before being turned onto a baking tray and slashed.

And here's the final product! I wish I could include scent here because these loaves smelled delightful.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Things are happening

 Little things make me happy. Like checking my strawberry plants and finding that most of them are blossoming. Even better, the pollinators have found the plants and are happily buzzing around in there. I look at these plants and my dreams are filled with fresh strawberries.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


 We started keeping bees two years ago. This is actually our second hive. Our first didn't make it through the winter. But this hive seems to be doing well. This is our setup.

The fencing is there mostly to keep pests out.

Some news

  Hi friends Things have been in a holding pattern here on the homestead as we wait out winter. I'm hoping to bring you some more projec...