Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Black walnuts

We have several black walnut trees on our property. A handful of them grow right along the road, making collecting the nuts much simpler. It was nice and sunny yesterday so we donned our rubber boots and work gloves and set to collecting. We like to remove the husks while they are still fresh. This makes harvesting the nutmeats once they are dry much easier.

Here's our haul:

 I've read that you can pry open the dry nuts with a knife or a screwdriver but I haven't had much luck with that method. Generally, my dad cuts them with his scroll saw and uses the sliced shells for crafts. 

Do you have a trick for collecting these nuts? 

Some news

  Hi friends Things have been in a holding pattern here on the homestead as we wait out winter. I'm hoping to bring you some more projec...