March is coming to an end which means that it's time to start thinking about starting seeds. Of course, it's still pretty cold here. We're getting snow a couple of times a week. That means that sees have to be started indoors. You can buy all kinds of kits for this purpose, mostly containing peet pellets and a greenhouse style cover for encouraging growth. I'm pretty sure we had one of those once upon a time but these days we're running full haphazard style. That means that our seeds get started in flats that once held annuals filled with potting soil. We achieve our greenhouse cover with plastic shopping bags. The seedlings will hang out in our living room until the weather turns and they move out to the actual greenhouse (maybe we'll take a tour on moving day...). Our set up isn't very pretty but it works.
Peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants. There's another flat somewhere of herbs...