This is just a quick note to say: the chickens are now laying! The little chicks that I bought this spring have reached the age where they now lay eggs. We celebrated with corn.
Join me as I fumble my way through living a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle and grow my homestead
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Chicken moving day!
It's hard to believe it but the chicks have outgrown their home in the lawn mower box. Today we moved them out to the coop. And as we moved them I realized that any one of them would be too big to fit in the box that we carried them home in.
Friday, May 26, 2023
New chicks!
When I went to the local farm store to buy feed for my rabbits I found that pullets were on sale. So I bought 6 - 2 each of Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, and Jersey Giants. I'm in the process of naming them now. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.
In standard Haphazard Homestead fashion, they are currently housed in a cardboard box (I think this one held a lawn mower). There's a random dowel threaded through the side to hold up the work light that is serving as a heat lamp.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Here's a little tour of our chicken coop. It's not much to look at. One thing you might notice about it (and some of the other buildings we'll be touring in future) is that the windows and doors are perhaps not what you'd expect from sheds and other out-buildings. If it's something that my dad built, like this one, windows and doors were probably either salvaged from an older building or returns that he got at cost from his job at a lumberyard. We try not to waste anything.
We don't have a lot of chickens right now, just a handful of bantams.
Officially, they don't have names since my dad isn't a fan of naming farm animals and technically the banties are his. Personally, I think the rooster, in particular, needs a name. He's a pretty big personality. So if you have any suggestions I'm open to ideas. Feel free to suggest some in the comments.
Some news
Hi friends Things have been in a holding pattern here on the homestead as we wait out winter. I'm hoping to bring you some more projec...
This is just a quick note to say: the chickens are now laying! The little chicks that I bought this spring have reached the age where they...
Hi friends Things have been in a holding pattern here on the homestead as we wait out winter. I'm hoping to bring you some more projec...
I promised it way back in May . I told you a long story about getting rabbits and promised a post about making yarn. This is sort of that ...